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Attendance Information for Parents at Wiseburn Middle School

Verified Excused Absences:

  • Illness: Keep your child home if they have a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or a contagious illness. They should stay home for at least 24 hours after a fever subsides without medication.
  • Quarantine: Directed by county or city health officials.
  • Medical, Dental, or Eye Care: Provide a doctor's note.
  • Funeral Services: For immediate family.
  • Religious Services: Attending religious observances.


  • Arrival Time: Ensure your child arrives on time. Doors/gates close at the start time, and late arrivals must check in at the office.
  • Excused Tardies: Medical, dental, or legal appointments with a note.

Part-Day Absences:

  • Appointments: Schedule doctor and dental appointments outside school hours when possible.
  • Early Dismissal: Check in at the office. Emergencies require notifying the school office.

Truancy and Excessive Absences:

  • Truancy: Includes being absent three days without a valid excuse, tardy 30 minutes or more three times, or leaving early 30 minutes or more without a valid excuse.
  • Excessive Absences: Missing more than 10% of school (e.g., 10 or more days out of 100).

Communication with the School:

  • Notify Us: Inform the school in advance, on the day of, or within three days of an absence. Provide a doctor’s note for absences of five or more days.
  • Health Clerk Check-In: Required if your child has had a communicable disease or serious injury.

Contact Information:

For any attendance concerns or support, please reach out. We are here to help ensure your child’s success and well-being!